• Financial Services: Our approach is based on a complete financial assessment of your organization. We determine your strengths and weaknesses, establish goals and projections and develop individualized solutions in order to reach financial stability and increase profitability. Our main customers are public and private owners of rest homes.
• Business Strategy: Since your organization is highly susceptible to changes in law regulations, workforce shortage, Residents’ requirements, infrastructure transformation... We combine several models of due diligence and innovative business projection in order to help you gain sustainable leading advantage.
• Building Consulting: Our Project Management Team offer specific expertise and coordination of all facets of the delivery process of new-build projects and renovations. Our clients are Rest Homes and Third Parties willing to undertake a rest home. Along with appropriate financial services and leading-edge business strategy, Building consulting will ensure the delivery of a high quality infrastructure so that clients can focus on their main activity.
• Management Administration: The ma nagement administration focuses of your “day to day” business organization by developing customized procedures.
• Legal advice: Our experts focus on potential legal problems and provide necessary advice in the mediation and litigation between the rest homes and third parties in the business in the elderly home.